Monday, August 12, 2013

the art of waiting

generally there are far more upsides to my newly acquired occupation but there is one thats is eating me from the inside = waiting. 
I dont know if its not in my nature to patiently just wait for a counter response but its pure torture. I think for most new agents the big obstacle its the opposite; be out there, aggressive and just interact without thinking. Suddenly you are in a environment were you have to speak to players, agents and sport directors you usually just read about in the sports-pages. If you overanalyze this and act to humble in most cases you will be eaten. In one of my first posts I wrote that humbleness is something i have left behind me, this rule was for me has not been hard to act upon. Whats much harder is to try to stop myself to get the latest info, news or total control of situation. These are not negative things but the constant stress of seeking total control can make you look desperate. Also on a personal level its not a nice feeling. This "habit" is definitely a downside that I will have to learn to cope with. Both for my clients sake and for my psychological health. 

An concrete example is that I would guess I press update on my email, downwards swipe on wattsup and viber at least 200times/day. 


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