Thursday, October 10, 2013

Whats innit for me?

late evening/early night sitting in my office reading through old texts I come up with the following reflections:

since this agent thing is a quite new environment for me and mainly due to football players being a quite unique set of people an agent is put in many strange contexts, a couple of examples;

A player gets in touch with me and asks if I can call his sport responsible and ask what the clubs future plan is. This happened today. Here an agent is put a strange position, first of all its not my client second of its quite pathetic making errands for players that are not under representation with you.. I get several requests from players every week if I can help them with different stuff. The first couple of months I was so eager I could go and buy groceries for a any player (even pay) but nowadays I most likely tell them off. It has even happened that player with an agent travelling in another continent calls me asking for help because he cant get hold of him right now.
Getting calls like this a couple of points directly pop into my head, how can this be of benefit for me? Maybe in return I can:
- get a tip of a good talent
- find out info in regards to team mates and when their agent contracts end
- give me a number or email to player
- etc.

Iam slowly coming to the realization that this is a selfish world were people are willing to give up allot in order to gain themselves. I am no exception...

The best scenario though when recruiting players is to make a hell of a job and the by word of mouth you will have more clients. Majority of the players I work with I get recommended from a fellow player. This is a a much better scenario, if the player comes to you you have the upper hand directly. Opposite to beg for a chance to represent..

Whats innit for me ? at the end of the day I think we can agree its a cash related question.

Just a couple of thoughts that probably are not that linked to each other from a tired brain..

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